Author Archives: Brett

Author Archives: Brett

The American Empire is Fading Away, and This is Why…

The West is dead. Sorry to break it to you, but it is. Let me clarify though… I don’t mean dead, as in, not alive. What I mean is, the future will not be driven by the West. Empires come … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

How Gary Is Using the Remote Income Academy to Move to Thailand

There’s an old quote by Milton Berle that says something like “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”. If you feel good chances don’t come your way, then go out in search for them. When you search for something, especially … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

Did You Know that Most Americans Spend 18 Hours Every Single Month Commuting to Work?

Digital nomad life has always appealed to me as I am sure it does you. Despite the last few years, there is something amazing about being in charge of your own destiny. While there are pitfalls and learning curves for … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

The Biggest Reason Why Digital Nomads Leave Thailand

Thailand attracts many different types of people. Most are here for a holiday or are spending some time traveling. However, this is not the only reason to visit Thailand. Chiang Mai (where I live) attracts a huge number of people … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

Whether You Think You Can or Think You Can’t… You’re Right

Henry Ford was a business titan like no other in history. Coming up with the concept of producing vehicles in such a quantity that costs were dramatically lower powered the American economy into the 20th Century. For the first time … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

Is America Headed Towards George Orwell’s 1984?

You’ve probably never heard of Martin Niemöller (apologies if you have) but his name deserves wider recognition. He was a pastor in pre-war Germany who witnessed the atrocities in 1946 and wrote the following: First they came for the socialists, … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

What Covid Taught the World About Entrepreneurship

Some lessons are learned the easy way and some lessons are learned the hard way. Whilst people tend to associate school with education, as far as I can tell, lessons can be learned throughout life. We learn a lot of … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

Do You Hate Your Co-Workers so Much that You’ve Considered Quitting Your Job?

Waking and going to work used to be a chore for me. Like most people, I once had a job with a regular time to be there by. It sucked and, having tasted this side of digital nomadism, life doesn’t … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

Regulated Into Oblivion – Soul-crushing Bureaucracy Is On The Rise

Life is often hard enough as it is. What with everything from peer pressure to social norms restricting the hopes and dreams of many. Throw in the big tech monopolies along with recent events and sometimes it seems like a … Read More

Author Archives: Brett

Inflation: The Invisible Killer Of More Than Your Dreams

For today, I will be taking a break into the serious, mainly because it’s topical and not generally talked about. Don’t worry, normal service will resume shortly. John Maynard Keynes is noted for saying that not one man in a … Read More